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CSCI 2021: Assembly Basics and x86-64

Last Updated:
Tue Oct 19 11:08:09 AM CDT 2021

Reading Bryant/O’Hallaron
▶ Now Ch 3.1-7: Assembly, Arithmetic, Control
▶ Later Ch 3.8-11: Arrays, Structs, Floats
▶ Any overview guide to x86-64 assembly instructions such as Brown University’s x64 Cheat Sheet
▶ Assembly Basics ▶ x86-64 Overview
Lab / HW
▶ Lab06: GDB Basics
▶ HW06: Assembly Basics
▶ HW07: Assembly+GDB
▶ Lab07: Assembly Functions
Project 2: Due Wed 10/20
▶ Problem 1: Bit shift operations (50%)
▶ Problem 2: Puzzlebox via debugger (50% + makeup)
NOTE: Line Count Limits

GDB: The GNU Debugger
▶ Overview for C and Assembly Programs here: https://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~kauffman/2021/gdb
▶ Most programming environments feature a Debugger ▶ Java, Python, OCaml, etc.
▶ GDB works well C and Assembly programs
▶ Features in P2 (C programs) and P3 (Assembly Programs)
▶ P2 Demo has some basics for C programs including
▶ TUI Mode
▶ Breakpoint / Continue ▶ Next / Step

The Many Assembly Languages
▶ Most microprocessors are created to understand a binary machine language
▶ Machine Language provides means to manipulate internal memory, perform arithmetic, etc.
▶ The Machine Language of one processor is not understood by other processors
MOS Technology 6502
▶ 8-bit operations, limited addressable memory, 1 general purpose register, powered notable gaming systems in the 1980s
▶ Ie, Atari 2600, Commodore
▶ Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom
IBM Cell Microprocessor
▶ Developed in early 2000s, many cores (execution elements), many registers, large addressable space, fast multimedia performance, is a pain to program
▶ Playstation 3 and Blue Gene Supercomputer

Assemblers and Compilers
▶ Compiler: chain of tools that translate high level languages to lower ones, may perform optimizations
▶ Assembler: translates text description of the machine code to binary, formats for execution by processor, late compiler stage
▶ Consequence: The compiler can generate assembly code
▶ Generated assembly is a pain to read but is often quite fast
▶ Consequence: A compiler on an Intel chip can generate
assembly code for a different processor, cross compiling

Our focus: The x86-64 Assembly Language
▶ x86-64 Targets Intel/AMD chips with 64-bit word size Reminder: 64-bit “word size” ≈ size of pointers/addresses
▶ Descended from IA32: Intel Architecture 32-bit systems
▶ IA32 descended from earlier 16-bit systems like Intel 8086
▶ There is a LOT of cruft in x86-64 for backwards compatibility
▶ Can run compiled code from the 70’s / 80’s on modern processors without much trouble
▶ x86-64 is not the assembly language you would design from scratch today
▶ Will touch on evolution of Intel Assembly as we move forward
▶ Warning: Lots of information available on the web for Intel assembly programming BUT some of it is dated, IA32 info which may not work on 64-bit systems

x86-64 Assembly Language Syntax(es)
▶ Different assemblers understand different syntaxes for the same assembly language
▶ GCC use the GNU Assembler (GAS, command ‘as file.s’)
▶ GAS and Textbook favor AT&T syntax so we will too
▶ NASM assembler favors Intel, may see this online
AT&T Syntax (Our Focus)
pushq %rbx
movq %rdx, %rbx
movq %rax, (%rbx)
popq %rbx
▶ Use of % to indicate registers
▶ Use of q/l/w/b to indicate 64 / 32 / 16 / 8-bit operands
Intel Syntax
push rbx
mov rbx, rdx
mov QWORD PTR [rbx], rax
pop rbx
▶ Register names are bare
▶ Use of QWORD etc. to indicate operand size

Generating Assembly from C Code
▶ gcc -S file.c will stop compilation at assembly generation ▶ Leaves assembly code in file.s
▶ file.s and file.S conventionally assembly code though sometimes file.asm is used
▶ By default, compiler performs lots of optimizations to code
▶ gcc -Og file.c: disable optimizations to make it easier to debug, generated assembly is slightly more readable assembly

gcc -Og -S mstore.c
> cat mstore.c
long mult2(long a, long b);
void multstore(long x, long y, long *dest){
long t = mult2(x, y);
*dest = t; }
> gcc -Og -S mstore.c
> cat mstore.s
.file “mstore.c”
.globl multstore
.type multstore, @function
multstore: .LFB0:
pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 movq %rdx, %rbx call movq %rax, (%rbx) popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret
# show a C file
# Compile to show assembly
# -Og: debugging level optimization # -S: only output assembly
# show assembly output
# function symbol for linking
# beginning of mulstore function
# assembler directives # assembly instruction # directives
# assembly instructions # function call
# function return

Every Programming Language
Look for the following as it should almost always be there □ Comments
□ Statements/Expressions
□ Variable Types
□ Assignment
□ Basic Input/Output
□ Function Declarations
□ Conditionals (if-else)
□ Iteration (loops)
□ Aggregate data (arrays, structs, objects, etc) □ Library System

Exercise: Examinecol_simple_asm.s
Take a simple sample problem to demonstrate assembly:
Computes Collatz Sequence starting at n=10:
if n is ODD n=n*3+1; else n=n/2.
Return the number of steps to converge to 1 as the return code from main()
The following codes solve this problem
Hand-coded assembly for obvious algorithm Straight-forward reading
Unsigned C version
Generated assembly is reasonably readable Signed C vesion
Generated assembly is … interesting
▶ Kauffman will Compile/Run code
▶ Students should study the code and predict what lines do ▶ Illustrate tricks associated with gdb and assembly

Exercise: col_simple_asm.s
1 ### Compute Collatz sequence starting at 10 in assembly.
2 .section .text
3 .globl
4 main:
5 6
7 .LOOP: 8
17 .ODD: 18
21 .EVEN: 22
23 .UPDATE: 24
26 .END: 27
movl $0, %r8d movl $10, %ecx
# int steps = 0;
# int n = 10;
cmpl $1, %ecx
jle .END # movl $2, %esi # movl %ecx,%eax # cqto # idivl %esi #
# cmpl $1,%edx # jne .EVEN #
imull $3, %ecx # incl %ecx # jmp .UPDATE #
# sarl $1,%ecx # # incl %r8d #
jmp .LOOP #}
movl %r8d, %eax ret
# r8d is steps, move to eax for return value
# while(n > 1){ // immediate must be first n<=1exitloop divisor in esi prep for division: must use edx:eax extend sign from eax to edx divide edx:eax by esi eax has quotient, edx remainder if(n%2==1){ not equal, go to even case n=n*3 n = n + 1 OR n++ } else{ n = n / 2; via right shift } steps++; 12 Answers: x86-64 Assembly Basics for AT&T Syntax ▶ Comments are one-liners starting with # ▶ Statements: each line does ONE thing, frequently text representation of an assembly instruction movq %rdx, %rbx # move rdx register to rbx ▶ Assembler directives and labels are also possible: .globl multstore # notify linker of location multstore multstore: # beginning of multstore section blah blah blah ▶ Variables: mainly registers, also memory ref’d by registers maybe some named global locations ▶ Assignment: instructions like movX that put move bits into registers and memory ▶ Conditionals/Iteration: assembly instructions that jump to code locations ▶ Functions: code locations that are labeled and global ▶ Aggregate data: none, use the stack/multiple registers ▶ Library System: link to other code 13 So what are these Registers? ▶ Memory locations directly wired to the CPU ▶ Usually very fast to access, faster than main memory ▶ Most instructions involve registers, access or change reg val Example: Adding Together Integers ▶ Ensure registers have desired values in them ▶ Issue an addX instruction involving the two registers ▶ Result will be stored in a register addl %eax, %ebx # add ints in eax and ebx, store result in ebx addq %rcx, %rdx # add longs in rcx and rdx, store result in rdx ▶ Note instruction and register names indicate whether 32-bit int or 64-bit long are being added 14 Register Naming Conventions ▶ AT&T syntax identifies registers with prefix % ▶ Naming convention is a historical artifact ▶ Originally 16-bit architectures in x86 had ▶ General registers ax,bx,cx,dx, ▶ Special Registers si,di,sp,bp ▶ Extended to 32-bit: eax,ebx,...,esi,edi,... ▶ Grew again to 64-bit: rax,rbx,...,rsi,rdi,... ▶ Added additional 64-bit regs r8,r9,...,r14,r15 with 32-bit r8d,r9d,... and 16-bit r8w,r8w... ▶ Instructions must match registers sizes: addw %ax, %bx # words (16-bit) addl %eax, %ebx # long word (32-bit) addq %rax, %rbx # quad-word (64-bit) ▶ When hand-coding assembly, easy to mess this up, assembler will error out 15 x86-64 “General Purpose” Registers Many “general purpose” registers have special purposes and conventions associated such as ▶ %rax | %eax | %ax contains return value from functions ▶ %rdi,%rsi,%rdx, %rcx,%r8, %r9 contain first 6 arguments in function calls ▶ %rsp is top of the stack ▶ %rbp (base pointer) may be the beginning of current stack but is often optimized away by the compiler 64-bit 32-bit 16-bit 8-bit Notes %rax %eax %ax %al Return Val %rbx %ebx %bx %bl %rcx %ecx %cx %cl Arg 4 %rdx %edx %dx %dl Arg 3 %rsi %esi %si %sil Arg 2 %rdi %edi %di %dil Arg 1 %rsp %esp %sp %spl Stack Ptr %rbp %ebp %bp %bpl Base Ptr? %r8 %r8d %r8w %r8b Arg 5 %r9 %r9d %r9w %r9b Arg 6 %r10 %r10d %r10w %r10b %r11 %r11d %r11w %r11b %r12 %r12d %r12w %r12b %r13 %r13d %r13w %r13b %r14 %r14d %r14w %r14b %r15 %r15d %r15w %r15b Caller Save: Restore after calling func Restore before returning Callee Save: 16 Hello World in x86-64 Assembly ▶ Non-trivial in assembly because output is involved ▶ Trywritinghelloworld.cwithoutprintf() ▶ Output is the business of the operating system, always a request to the almighty OS to put something somewhere ▶ Library call: printf("hello"); mangles some bits but eventually results with a ... ▶ System call: Unix system call directly implemented in the OS kernel, puts bytes into files / onto screen as in write(1, buf, 5); // file 1 is screen output This gives us several options for hello world in assembly: 1. hello_printf64.s: via calling printf() which means the C standard library must be (painfully) linked 2. hello64.s via direct system write() call which means no external libraries are needed: OS knows how to write to files/screen. Use the 64-bit Linux calling convention. 3. hello32.s via direct system call using the older 32 bit Linux calling convention which “traps” to the operating system. 17 The OS Privilege: System Calls ▶ Most interactions with the outside world happen via Operating System Calls (or just “system calls”) ▶ User programs indicate what service they want performed by the OS via making system calls ▶ System Calls differ for each language/OS combination ▶ x86-64 Linux: set %rax to system call number, set other args in registers, issue syscall ▶ IA32 Linux: set %eax to system call number, set other args in registers, issue an interrupt ▶ C Code on Unix: make system calls via write(), read() and others (studied in CSCI 4061) ▶ Tables of Linux System Call Numbers ▶ 64-bit (328 calls) ▶ 32-bit (190 calls) ▶ Mac OS X: very similar to the above (it’s a Unix) ▶ Windows: use OS wrapper functions ▶ OS executes priveleged code that can manipulate any part of memory, touch internal data structures corresponding to files, do other fun stuff discussed in CSCI 4061 / 5103 18 Basic Instruction Classes ▶ x86 Assembly Guide from Yale summarizes well though is 32-bit only, function calls different ▶ Remember: Goal is to understand assembly as a target for higher languages, not become expert “assemblists” ▶ Means we won’t hit all 5,038 pages of the Intel x86-64 Manual Kind Fundamentals - Memory Movement - Stack manipulation - Addressing modes Arithmetic/Logic - Arithmetic - Bitwise Logical - Bitwise Shifts Control Flow - Compare / Test - Set on result - Jumps (Un)Conditional - Conditional Movement Procedure Calls - Stack manipulation - Call/Return - System Calls Floating Point Ops - FP Reg Movement - Conversions - Arithmetic - Extras Assembly Instructions mov push,pop (%eax),$12(%eax,%ebx)... add,sub,mul,div,lea and,or,xor,not sal,sar,shr cmp,test set jmp,je,jne,jl,jg,... cmove,cmovg,... push,pop call,ret syscall vmov vcvts vadd,vsub,vmul,vdiv vmins,vmaxs,sqrts 19 Data Movement: movX instruction movX SOURCE, DEST Overview ▶ Moves data... ▶ Reg to Reg ▶ Mem to Reg ▶ Reg to Mem ▶ Immto... ▶ Reg: register ▶ Mem: main memory ▶ Imm: “immediate” value (constant) specified like ▶ $21 : decimal ▶ $0x2f9a : hexadecimal ▶ NOT1234(memadder) ▶ More info on operands next # move source value to destination Examples ## 64-bit quadword moves movq $4, %rbx # rbx = 4; movq %rbx,%rax # rax = rbx; movq $10, (%rcx) # *rcx = 10; ## 32-bit longword moves movl $4, %ebx # ebx = 4; movl %ebx,%eax # eax = ebx; movl $10, (%ecx) # *ecx = 10; >:-(
Note variations
▶ movq for 64-bit (8-byte) ▶ movl for 32-bit (4-byte) ▶ movw for 16-bit (2-byte) ▶ movb for 8-bit (1-byte)

Operands and Addressing Modes
In many instructions like movX, operands can have a variety of forms called addressing modes, may include constants and memory addresses
Style Address Mode $21 immediate $0xD2
%rax register (%rax) indirect 8(%rax) displaced -4(%rax)
(%rax,%rbx) indexed
(%rax,%rbx,4) scaled index (%rax,%rbx,8)
1024 absolute

value of constant like 21 or 0xD2 = 210
to/from register contents
reg holds memory address, deref base plus constant offset,
C examples presume sizeof(..)=4
base plus offset in given reg actual value of rbx is used, NOT multiplied by sizeof()
like array access with sizeof(..)=4 “” with sizeof(..)=8
Absolute address #1024 Rarely used

Exercise: Show movX Instruction Execution
Code movX_exercise.s
movl $16, %eax
movl $20, %ebx
movq $24, %rbx
## POS A
movl %eax,%ebx
movq %rcx,%rax
## POS B
movq $45,(%rdx)
movl $55,16(%rdx)
## POS C
movq $65,(%rcx,%rbx)
movq $3,%rbx
movq $75,(%rcx,%rbx,8)
## POS D
INITIAL |—–+——-+——-| |REG|%rax | 0| | |%rbx|0| | |%rcx|#1024| | |%rdx|#1032| |—–+——-+——-| |MEM|#1024| 35| | |#1032| 25| | |#1040| 15| | |#1048| 5| |—–+——-+——-|
May need to look up addressing conventions for things like…
movX %y,%x # reg y to reg x
movX $5,(%x) # 5 to address in %x

Answers Part 1/2: movX Instruction Execution
movl $16, %eax
movl $20, %ebx movl %eax,%ebx
movq $24, %rbx movq %rcx,%rax #WARNING!
INITIAL ##POSA ##POSB |——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-|
|%rax | 0|
|%rbx | 0|
|%rcx |#1024|
|%rdx |#1032|
|——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-|
|REG |VALUE| |REG |VALUE| |%rax | 16| |%rax |#1024| |%rbx | 24| |%rbx | 16| |%rcx |#1024| |%rcx |#1024| |%rdx |#1032| |%rdx |#1032|
|#1024| 35|
|#1032| 25|
|#1040| 15|
|#1048| 5|
|——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-|
|MEM |VALUE| |MEM |VALUE| |#1024| 35| |#1024| 35| |#1032| 25| |#1032| 25| |#1040| 15| |#1040| 15| |#1048| 5| |#1048| 5|
#!: On 64-bit systems, ALWAYS use a 64-bit reg name like %rdx and movq to copy memory addresses; using smaller name like %edx will miss half the memory addressing leading to major memory problems

Answers Part 2/2: movX Instruction Execution
movl %eax,%ebx
movq %rcx,%rax #!
## POS B |——-+——-| |REG |VALUE| |%rax|#1024| |%rbx | 16| |%rcx|#1024| |%rdx|#1032| |——-+——-| |MEM |VALUE| |#1024| 35| |#1032| 25| |#1040| 15| |#1048| 5| |——-+——-|
movq $45,(%rdx)
movq $55,16(%rdx)
##POSC |——-+——-| |REG |VALUE| |%rax|#1024| |%rbx | 16| |%rcx|#1024| |%rdx|#1032| |——-+——-| |MEM |VALUE| |#1024| 35| |#1032| 45| |#1040| 15| |#1048| 55| |——-+——-|
movq $65,(%rcx,%rbx)
#1024+16 = #1040
movq $3,%rbx
movq $75,(%rcx,%rbx,8)
#1024 + 3*8 = #1048
##POSD |——-+——-| |REG |VALUE| |%rax|#1024| |%rbx | 3| |%rcx|#1024| |%rdx|#1032| |——-+——-| |MEM |VALUE| |#1024| 35| |#1032| 45| |#1040| 65| |#1048| 75| |——-+——-|

gdb Assembly: Examining Memory
gdb commands print and x allow one to print/examine memory memory of interest. Try on movX_exercises.s
(gdb) tui enable
(gdb) layout asm
(gdb) layout reg
(gdb) stepi
(gdb) print $rax
(gdb) print *($rdx)
(gdb) print (char *) $rdx
(gdb) x $r8
# TUI mode
# assembly mode
# show registers
# step forward by single Instruction
# print register rax
# print memory pointed to by rdx
# print as a string (null terminated)
# examine memory at address in r8
# same but print as 3 4-byte decimals
# same but print as 6 8-byte decimals
# print as a string (null terminated)
(gdb) x/3d $r8
(gdb) x/6g $r8
(gdb) x/s $r8
(gdb) print *((int*) $rsp) # print top int on stack (4 bytes)
(gdb) x/4d $rsp # print top 4 stack vars as ints
(gdb) x/4x $rsp # print top 4 stack vars as ints in hex
Many of these tricks are needed to debug assembly.

Register Size and Movement
▶ Recall %rax is 64-bit register, %eax is lower 32 bits of it
▶ Data movement involving small registers may NOT overwrite
higher bits in extended register
▶ Moving data to low 32-bit regs automatically zeros high 32-bits
movabsq $0x1122334455667788, %rax # 8 bytes to %rax
movl $0xAABBCCDD, %eax # 4 bytes to %eax
## %rax is now 0x00000000AABBCCDD
▶ Moving data to other small regs DOES NOT ALTER high bits
movabsq $0x1122334455667788, %rax # 8 bytes to %rax
movw $0xAABB, %ax # 2 bytes to %ax
## %rax is now 0x112233445566AABB
▶ Gives rise to two other families of movement instructions for moving little registers (X) to big (Y) registers, see movz_examples.s
## movzXY move zero extend, movsXY move sign extend
movabsq $0x112233445566AABB,%rdx
movzwq %dx,%rax # %rax is 0x000000000000AABB
movswq %dx,%rax # %rax is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFAABB 26

Exercise: movX differences in Memory
Instr # bytes movb 1 byte movw 2 bytes movl 4 bytes movq 8 bytes
Show the result of each of the following copies to main memory in sequence.
movl %eax, (%rsi) #1
movq %rax, (%rsi) #2
movb %cl, (%rsi) #3
movw %cx, 2(%rsi) #4
movl %ecx, 4(%rsi) #5
INITIAL |——-+——————–| |REG| | | rax | 0x00000000DDCCBBAA | | rcx | 0x000000000000FFEE | |rsi | #1024| |——-+——————–|
| #1024 |
| #1025 |
| #1026 |
| #1027 |
| #1028 |
| #1029 |
| #1030 |
| #1031 |
| #1032 |
| #1033 | |——-+——————–|
0x00 |
0x11 |
0x22 |
0x33 |
0x44 |
0x55 |
0x66 |
0x77 |
0x88 |
0x99 |

Answers: movX to Main Memory 1/2 |—–+——————–| movl %eax, (%rsi) #1 4 bytes rax -> #1024
|REG| | movq | rax | 0x00000000DDCCBBAA | movb | rcx | 0x000000000000FFEE | movw | rsi | #1024 | movl |—–+——————–|
%rax, (%rsi) #2 8 bytes rax -> #1024
%cl, (%rsi) #3 1 byte rcx -> #1024
%cx, 2(%rsi) #4 2 bytes rcx -> #1026
%ecx, 4(%rsi) #5 4 bytes rcx -> #1028
#1 #2 #3
INITIAL movl %eax,(%rsi) movq %rax,(%rsi) movb %cl,(%rsi)
|——-+——| |——-+——| |——-+——| |——-+——|
|MEM| |
|——-+——| |——-+——| |——-+——| |——-+——|
|MEM| | |#1024|0xAA| |#1025|0xBB| |#1026|0xCC| |#1027|0xDD| |#1028|0x44| |#1029|0x55| |#1030|0x66| |#1031|0x77| |#1032|0x88| |#1033|0x99|
|MEM| | |#1024|0xAA| |#1025|0xBB| |#1026|0xCC| |#1027|0xDD| |#1028|0x00| |#1029|0x00| |#1030|0x00| |#1031|0x00| |#1032|0x88| |#1033|0x99|
|MEM| | |#1024|0xEE| |#1025|0xBB| |#1026|0xCC| |#1027|0xDD| |#1028|0x00| |#1029|0x00| |#1030|0x00| |#1031|0x00| |#1032|0x88| |#1033|0x99|

Answers: movX to Main Memory 2/2 |—–+——————–| movl %eax, (%rsi) #1 4 bytes rax -> #1024
|REG| | movq | rax | 0x00000000DDCCBBAA | movb | rcx | 0x000000000000FFEE | movw | rsi | #1024 | movl |—–+——————–|
%rax, (%rsi) #2 8 bytes rax -> #1024
%cl, (%rsi) #3 1 byte rcx -> #1024
%cx, 2(%rsi) #4 2 bytes rcx -> #1026
%ecx, 4(%rsi) #5 4 bytes rcx -> #1028
#3 #4 #5
movb %cl,(%rsi) movw %cx,2(%rsi) movl %ecx,4(%rsi)
|——-+——| |——-+——| |——-+——|
|MEM | | |#1024|0xEE| |#1025|0xBB| |#1026|0xEE| |#1027|0xFF| |#1028|0x00| |#1029|0x00| |#1030|0x00| |#1031|0x00| |#1032|0x88| |#1033|0x99|
|MEM | | |#1024|0xEE| |#1025|0xBB| |#1026|0xEE| |#1027|0xFF| |#1028|0xEE| |#1029|0xFF| |#1030|0x00| |#1031|0x00| |#1032|0x88| |#1033|0x99|
|MEM | |
|——-+——| |——-+——| |——-+——|

addX : A Quintessential ALU Instruction
addX B, A # A
addX ,
addX ,
addX ,
addX ,
addX ,
= A+B ▶ ▶
Addition represents most 2-operand ALU instructions well
Second operand A is modified by first operand B, No change to B
No mem+mem or con+con
addq %rdx, %rcx addl %eax, %ebx addq$42, %rdx addl (%rsi),%edi addw %ax, (%rbx) addq $55, (%rbx)
size: addq, addl, addw, addb
#rcx=rcx+rdx #ebx=ebx+eax #rdx=rdx+42 # edi=edi+*rsi # *rbx=*rbx+ax # *rbx=*rbx+55
addl (%rsi,%rax,4),%edi
# edi = edi+rsi[rax] (int)

▶ addX has variants for each register
Variety of register, memory, constant combinations honored

Exercise: Addition
Show the results of the following addX/movX ops at each of the specified positions
addq $1,%rcx
addq %rbx,%rax
## POS A
addq (%rdx),%rcx
addq %rbx,(%rdx)
addq $3,(%rdx)
## POS B
#con+reg #reg+reg
#mem+reg #reg+mem #con+mem
addl $1,(%r8,%r9,4)
addl $1,%r9d
addl %eax,(%r8,%r9,4)
addl $1,%r9d
addl (%r8,%r9,4),%eax
## POS C
#con+mem #con+reg #reg+mem #con+reg #mem+reg
| #1024 | |…|
| #2048 |
| #2052 |
| #2056 | |——-+——-|
|REGS| |%rax| |%rbx| |%rcx| |%rdx|
| %r8 | #2048 | |%r9| 0| |——-+——-|
| 15| 20 | 25 | #1024 |
100 |
… |
200 |
300 |
400 |

Answers: Addition
|——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-|
|REG | ||REG | ||REG |
|%rax | 15||%rax | 35||%rax |
|%rbx | 20||%rbx | 20||%rbx |
|%rcx | 25||%rcx | 26||%rcx |
|%rdx |#1024||%rdx |#1024||%rdx |#1024||%rdx |#1024| |%r8 |#2048||%r8 |#2048||%r8 |#2048||%r8 |#2048| |%r9 | 0||%r9 | 0||%r9 | 0||%r9 | 2| |——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-|
|… |
|——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-| |——-+——-|
addq $1,%rcx
addq %rbx,%rax
addq (%rdx),%rcx addl $1,(%r8,%r9,4)
addq %rbx,(%rdx) addl $1,%r9d
addq $3,(%rdx) addl %eax,(%r8,%r9,4)
addl $1,%r9d
addl (%r8,%r9,4),%eax
||MEM| 100||#1024| …||… | 200||#2048| 300||#2052| 400||#2056|
||MEM| 100||#1024| …||… | 200||#2048| 300||#2052| 400||#2056|
||REG| | 35||%rax | 435| 20||%rbx | 20|
126||%rcx | 126|
||MEM| | 123||#1024| 123| …||… | …| 200||#2048| 201| 300||#2052| 335| 400||#2056| 400|

The Other ALU Instructions
▶ Most ALU instructions follow the same patter as addX: two operands, second gets changed.
▶ Some one operand instructions as well.
addX B, A
subX B, A
imulX B, A
andX B, A
orX B, A
xorX B, A
salX B, A
shlX B, A
sarX B, A
shrX B, A
incX A
decX A
negX A
notX A
Name Add Subtract Multiply And
Shift Left
Shift Right
Increment Decrement Negate Complement
A=A+B A=A-B A=A*B A=A&B A=A|B A=A^B A = A << B A = A << B A = A >> B A = A >> B A=A+1 A=A-1 A = -A
A = ~A
Two Operand Instructions
Has a limited 3-arg variant
Arithmetic: Sign carry Logical: Zero carry
One Operand Instructions

leaX: Load Effective Address
▶ Memory addresses must often be loaded into registers
▶ Often done with a leaX, usually leaq in 64-bit platforms ▶ Sort of like “address-of ” op & in C but a bit more general
## leaX_examples.s:
movq 8(%rdx),%rax
leaq 8(%rdx),%rax
movl (%rsi,%rcx,4),%eax
leaq (%rsi,%rcx,4),%rax
# rax = *(rdx+1) = 25
# rax = rdx+1 = #1032
# rax = rsi[rcx] = 400
# rax = &(rsi[rcx]) = #2056
| rax
| rcx
| rdx
| rsi
| #1024 |
| #2048 |
|MEM| |#1024| |#1032| |…|
| #2048 |
| #2052 |
| #2056 | |——-+——-|
Compiler sometimes uses leaX for multiplication as it is usually faster than imulX but less readable.
# Odd Collatz update n = 3*n+1
VAL | 0| 2|
| 15| 25| | 200 | 300 | 400 |
#READABLE with imulX
imul $3,%eax
addl $1,%eax
# eax = eax*3 + 1
# 3-4 cycles
#OPTIMIZED with leaX:
leal 1(%eax,%eax,2),%eax
# eax = eax + 2*eax + 1,
# 1 cycle
# gcc, you are so clever…

Division: It’s a Pain (1/2)
▶ Unlike other ALU operations, idivX operation has some special rules
▶ Dividend must be in the rax / eax / ax register
▶ Sign extend to rdx / edx / dx register with cqto
▶ idivX takes one register argument which is the divisor
▶ At completion
▶ rax / eax / ax holds quotient (integer part)
▶ rdx / edx / dx holds the remainder (leftover)
### division.s:
movl $15, %eax # set eax to int 15
cqto # extend sign of eax to edx
## combined 64-bit register %edx:%eax is
## now 0x00000000 0000000F = 15
movl $2, %esi # set esi to 2
idivl %esi
## 15 div 2 = 7 rem 1
## %eax == 7, quotient
## %edx == 1, remainder
# divide combined register by 2
Compiler avoids division whenever possible: compile col_unsigned.c and col_signed.c to see some tricks.

Division: It’s a Pain (2/2)
▶ When performing division on 8-bit or 16-bit quantities, use instructions to sign extend small reg to all rax register
### division with 16-bit shorts from division.s
movq $0,%rax
movq $0,%rdx
movw $-17, %ax
movq $3, %rcx
idivq %rcx
# set rax to all 0’s
# set rdx to all 0’s
# rax = 0x00000000 00000000
# rdx = 0x00000000 00000000
# set ax to short -17
# rax = 0x00000000 0000FFEF
# rdx = 0x00000000 00000000
# “convert word to long” sign extend ax to eax
# rax = 0x00000000 FFFFFFEF
# rdx = 0x00000000 00000000
# “convert long to quad” sign extend eax to rax
# rdx = 0x00000000 00000000
# sign extend rax to rdx
# set rcx to long 3
# divide combined rax/rdx register by 3
# rax = 0xFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFB = -5 (quotient)
# rdx = 0xFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFE = -2 (remainder)

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