CS代考 Week 2 Basic Process – cscodehelp代写

Week 2 Basic Process

This week¡¯s topics
¡ñ Procedural programming
¡ñ Key/framework approach
¡ñ Incremental goals
¡ñ Testing
¡ñ Debugging

Procedural programming A stepping stone to OO programming…

Break down a program into procedures
¡ñ A small program has one goal = one method.
¡ñ A large program has many sub-goals = many methods.
Specification: Read in a size. Show a diamond of that size.
Size: 4 * ** ** * *** * ** * ** *

Show a diamond: main procedure
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print(¡°Size: ¡°);
int size = In.nextInt();
Size: 4 * ** ** * *** * ** * ** *

Show a diamond: showDiamond procedure
public static void showDiamond(int size) {
* ** ** * *** * ** * ** *

Show a diamond: showTop procedure
public static void showTop(int size) {
for (int length = 1; length < size; length++) showLine(length, size); e.g. size = 4 * * * * * * length = 1 length = 2 length = 3 Show a diamond: showLine procedure public static void showLine(int howManyStars, int size) { int howManySpaces = size - howManyStars; repeat(howManySpaces, ¡° ¡°); repeat(howManyStars, ¡°* ¡°); System.out.println(); e.g. size = 4 * * * * * * howManyStars = 1 howManyStars = 2 howManyStars = 3 howManySpaces = 3 howManySpaces = 2 howManySpaces = 1 Show a diamond: repeat procedure public static void repeat(int howMany, String what) { for (int i = 0; i < howMany; i++) System.out.print(what); That¡¯s the end of the chain... Show a diamond: showMiddle and showBottom public static void showMiddle(int size) { showLine(size, size); public static void showBottom(int size) { for (int length = size - 1; length >= 1; length–)
showLine(length, size);
Easy! Just reuse the showLine procedure.

Never repeat code. Always reuse code.
¡ñ Code reuse is the main benefit of splitting code into small methods.
¡ñ Put each goal in a separate method so that it can be reused.
public static void showTop(int size) {
for (int length = 1; length < size; length++) showLine(length, size); public static void showMiddle(int size) { showLine(size, size); } public static void showBottom(int size) { for (int length = size - 1; length >= 1; length–)
showLine(length, size);

Process #1 Key/framework approach
How to find a solution when you don¡¯t have a pattern.

Goal, Plan and Key
¡ñ Goal: what your program should achieve
¡ñ Plan: a series of steps to achieve the goal
¡ñ Key: the key line of code that achieves the goal

Goal, Plan and Key
Every goal needs a plan

Goal, Plan and Key
And every plan has a ¡°key¡±

Where does a programmer start?
Goal: Show the total rainfall for a period.

Where does a programmer start?
Goal: Show the total rainfall for a period.
total += rainfall[i];
The ¡°key¡± line of code. Start with the key.

Where does a programmer start?
Goal: Show the total rainfall for a period.
double[] rainfall = { 97.0, 112.0, ……. int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rainfall.length; i++) { total += rainfall[i]; The ¡°key¡± line of code. Start with the key. Build the solution around the key. System.out.println(¡°Total = ¡° + total); The framework double[] rainfall = { 97.0, 112.0, ....... int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rainfall.length; i++) { total += rainfall[i]; The ¡°framework¡± is whatever code supports the key. System.out.println(¡°Total = ¡° + total); Same key, different frameworks { }
total += rainfall;
{ }
total += rainfall;
The framework may vary according to the data source.
¡ñ From an array
¡ñ From user input
¡ñ From a file…

Key/framework step-by-step

Start with the key code
double total = 0.0;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
double rainfall = In.nextDouble();
while (rainfall != -1.0) {
total += rainfall;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
rainfall = In.nextDouble();
System.out.println(¡°Total rainfall = ¡° + total);

Add the start value
double total = 0.0;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
double rainfall = In.nextDouble();
while (rainfall != -1.0) {
total += rainfall;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
rainfall = In.nextDouble();
System.out.println(¡°Total rainfall = ¡° + total);

Add the loop
double total = 0.0;
Decision point.
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
double rainfall = In.nextDouble();
{ What kind of loop?
total += rainfall;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
rainfall = In.nextDouble();
System.out.println(¡°Total rainfall = ¡° + total);

double total = 0.0;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
double rainfall = In.nextDouble();
while (rainfall != -1.0) {
total += rainfall;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
rainfall = In.nextDouble();
System.out.println(¡°Total rainfall = ¡° + total);

Add the first read
double total = 0.0;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
double rainfall = In.nextDouble();
while (rainfall != -1.0) {
total += rainfall;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
rainfall = In.nextDouble();
System.out.println(¡°Total rainfall = ¡° + total);

Add the second read
double total = 0.0;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
double rainfall = In.nextDouble();
while (rainfall != -1.0) {
total += rainfall;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
rainfall = In.nextDouble();
System.out.println(¡°Total rainfall = ¡° + total);

Add the output
double total = 0.0;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
double rainfall = In.nextDouble();
while (rainfall != -1.0) {
total += rainfall;
System.out.print(¡°Rainfall: ¡°);
rainfall = In.nextDouble();
System.out.println(¡°Total rainfall = ¡° + total);

Process #2 Incremental goals
How to tackle a large problem!

Incremental Goals
¡ñ Sometimes the goal is too difficult
¡ñ Start with a simplified goal and devise a plan for that
¡ñ Gradually add more, until the complete goal is achieved
1. Simplified Goal
2. Intermediate Goal
3. Complete Goal

Read in integers less than 100 until the user enters -1. Show the frequency of integers in each group: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, …, 90-99.
Number: 17
Number: 19
Number: 45
Number: 87
Number: 49
Number: -1

Incremental goal #1
Goal: Show the frequency of integers in one group: 0-9 Patterns / key code:
¡ñ read loop
¡ñ if (value < 10) Incremental goal #2 Goal: Show the frequency of integers in two groups: 0-9 and 10-9. Patterns / key code: ¡ñ read loop ¡ñ if (value < 10) ¡ñ else if (value < 20) Incremental goal #3: Complete Goal: show the frequency of integers in many groups: 0-9, 10-19, ... 90-99. ¡ñ Design question: how can we store the count for many groups? Solution an array. ¡ñ How big is the array? 10 groups. Positions start from zero: [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] ¡ñ Read integer N. How do we decide which group to count? e.g. 95 goes into [9]. 47 goes into [4]. 31 goes into [3]. So, divide by 10: 95 / 10 is 9. 47 / 10 is 4. 31 / 10 is 3. ¡ñ What is the ¡°key¡± code? count[value/10]++; Integer division and remainder 3 fits into 7 2 times Remainder =1 The modulo operator: % ¡ñ Numbers wrap around a ¡°modulus¡±. e.g. 12 hour time is modulo 12. ¡ñ (11 o¡¯clock + 2 hours) modulo 12 = 1 o¡¯clock (11 + 2) % 12 = 1 n% 3 n% 7 n % 10 n % 12 Extracting digits from a number ¡ñ The last digit of a number is: number % 10 ¡ð e.g. What is the last digit of 92873? ¡ð 92873 % 10 -> 3
¡ñ number / 10 will remove a digit from the right
¡ð 92873 / 10 -> 9287
¡ñ To obtain the first digit of an N-digit number, divide by 10 N-1 times.
¡ð e.g. What is the first digit of 92873?
¡ð 92873 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 = 9 (in other words, 92873 / 10000 = 9)
¡ñ To obtain a digit in the middle, combine /10 and %10:
¡ð e.g. What is the middle digit of 92873?
¡ð Divide by 10 two times: 92873 -> 9287 -> 928.
¡ð Now the digit we want is the last digit.
¡ð 928 % 10 = 8.

How to test
¡ñ Don¡¯t test every possible input
¡ñ Devise a finite set of test cases that are representative of all scenarios
e.g. Your program stores values into this array:
1. Middle case: Test storing into position [4]
No need to also test [5] and [6]… etc. One middle value is representative.
2. Edge case: Test storing into position [0]
3. Edge case: Test storing into position [9]

Off-by-one error
A common programming mistake is to be ¡°off by one¡±.
Loops from [0] to [9] Loops from [1] to [10]
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) ¡ñ The left loop works ¡ñ The right loop gives ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10 ¡ñ This error is picked up by testing edge cases. Testing example Goal: Read in integers less than 100 until the user enters -1. Show the frequency of integers in each group: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, ..., 90-99. What are the edge and middle cases? Test the beginning/middle/end of the array Goal: Read in integers less than 100 until the user enters -1. Show the frequency of integers in each group: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, ..., 90-99. ¡ñ edge case: input value 4. ¡ñ middle case: input value 42. ¡ñ edge case: input value 97. Expected array position: [0] Expected array position: [4] Expected array position: [9] Test the beginning/middle/end of a range Goal: Read in integers less than 100 until the user enters -1. Show the frequency of integers in each group: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, ..., 90-99. ¡ñ edge case: input the value 30. ¡ñ middle case: input the value 35. Expected array position: [3] ¡ñ edge case: input the value 39. Testing Invalid Inputs Goal: Read in integers less than 100 until the user enters -1. Show the frequency of integers in each group: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, ..., 90-99. Test just above and below the highest and lowest valid input: ¡ñ bottom invalid case: input -2 ¡ñ top invalid case: input 100 NOTE: In this subject, we generally do not require testing for invalid inputs, unless explicitly stated. This means your program usually will not need to test for invalid inputs. The ¡°poor person¡¯s¡± debugger ¡ñ If you lack debugging tools, insert temporary println statements into your code. ¡ñ e.g. Does the key code count[value/10]++ actually work? ¡ñ Print value/10 to see if it points to the correct array position: Change this... while (value != -1) { To this... while (value != -1) { int pos = value / 10; System.out.println(¡°pos = ¡° + pos); count[pos]++; System.out.print(¡°Integer: ¡°); value = In.nextInt(); count[value / 10]++; System.out.print(¡°Integer: value = In.nextInt(); The BlueJ Debugger ¡ñ Set a break point Click on the left-margin Must be executable code A red stop sign appears The run stops at this point ¡ñ See What code is executed See the call stack Trace the execution ¡ñ See the values of the variables at any point in execution A checkpoint ¡ñ The run stops at the check point You see a black arrow. ¡ñ You see the current variable values value is 49 value / 10 is stored in pos We can see pos has the correct value 4 ¡ñ You step through the code the arrow moves forward the variable values change ¡ñ ¡°Step¡± moves to the next line. ¡°Step Into¡± moves into a method.

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